
Gain Valuable Experience
Getting a job while at college can provide you the extra money you need to meet college expenses while providing you new real-world, professional skills. Use the links below to learn more about student employment opportunities at Cornell and how to land a job that meets your needs.
Find a job
Determine your eligibility and start your search today.
Post a job
The Student Job and Intern Service, offered to the Cornell University community and managed by the Office of Financial Aid and Student Employment, has been retired as of June 30, 2023. All hourly open student employment jobs should be posted in Workday. For information regarding this change, and to register for a Workday Student Recruiting training session, visit Working at Cornell - Workday Recruiting for Student Jobs & Training.
For full-time jobs and/or internships outside of the local Ithaca/Tompkins County area, postings must be submitted through Cornell Career Services.
What do jobs pay?
Find out about typical student wages and the types and classifications of jobs available on our Wages and Classifications page.
What type of jobs are there?
Visit the Find a Student Job page to log in to Workday and learn about available jobs.
Be prepared
Know what to do to land the job you want.