The information below can help you better understand your Federal Work Study (FWS) earnings.

Student job classification levels are:

Level I

Entry level positions requiring basic skills attained through on the job training. No previous work experience or coursework required. Responsibilities may require the application of basic organizational or technical knowledge, operation of simple equipment or performing routine tasks. Very little independent decision making with regular supervision.

Beginning with the 2023-24 academic year, students who receive Federal Work Study (FWS) funding in their financial aid package can begin using those funds during the summer. This means that continuing students can start using their 2023-24 FWS funding to support their summer student employment on June 1, 2023. New students can start using their 2023-24 FWS funding beginning July 1, 2023.

The Student Wage Scale has been updated to reflect the 2024 New York State minimum wage. If you have any questions, please contact Student Employment.

Notes on the I-9 Form

Federal law and Cornell University require all new student employees to complete an I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification Form. The I-9 form establishes identity and eligibility to work in the U.S., and is completed after you are hired, but BEFORE you start work.

The student employment office maintains guidance for student employment.


All hourly, non-academic student employees and resident advisors who are enrolled at Cornell University or employed between consecutive semesters of enrollment and are employed by a department of the University are covered by this procedure. Students who are alleging unfair hiring practices at the University should visit the Office of Financial Aid and Student Employment.

The information below can provide further details to help you better understand the types of Federal Work Study (FWS) jobs and programs.

The information below can provide further details to help you better understand the eligibility requirements for Federal Work Study (FWS).

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